HerbanHunter Timber/Field Gun Camouflage
Herban Hunter Timber/Field Gun Camouflage pattern:
We have developed a camouflage pattern ideal for timber and field duck hunting or hunting turkeys in the brush.
We painted this camo pattern on two Benelli SBE's, one was rusted and pitted and it turned out looking new again. The paint will take care of the rust problem.
We sprayed 14 layers of paint from 6 different colors of Rust-Oleum paint to create the depth and realism. The last 4 coats were with a clear coat like on an automobile to protect the paint. It took many practice attempts on 24" squares of metal and many cans of spray paint colors until we achieved the desired look. The whole process takes 4 days because of drying time and a cost of about $60 in materials to do 2 guns. We have put together a step by step Instruction Manuel with pictures on how to paint your gun with this Timber/Field Camouflage pattern. To cover our costs of printing and mailing the manual we are selling the manual for $9. Cheap price to pay for all the time and dollars we spent to develop this pattern. The manual makes it easy.

We have developed a camouflage pattern ideal for timber and field duck hunting or hunting turkeys in the brush.
We painted this camo pattern on two Benelli SBE's, one was rusted and pitted and it turned out looking new again. The paint will take care of the rust problem.
We sprayed 14 layers of paint from 6 different colors of Rust-Oleum paint to create the depth and realism. The last 4 coats were with a clear coat like on an automobile to protect the paint. It took many practice attempts on 24" squares of metal and many cans of spray paint colors until we achieved the desired look. The whole process takes 4 days because of drying time and a cost of about $60 in materials to do 2 guns. We have put together a step by step Instruction Manuel with pictures on how to paint your gun with this Timber/Field Camouflage pattern. To cover our costs of printing and mailing the manual we are selling the manual for $9. Cheap price to pay for all the time and dollars we spent to develop this pattern. The manual makes it easy.

Labels: camouflage, duck hunting, Gun, turkey hunting
I should have my 2 guns to be repainted again, love the camouflage pattern..perfectly painted!
The herban hunter timber / field gun camouflage pattern will definitely work great with my duck hunting gun. I will certainly use the pattern on my gun. Also, check out some amazing duck hunting gun options here: http://wildernessmastery.com/hunting/best-duck-hunting-gun.html
Oh, It will work great with my deer hunting gun. Thank for info!
Jerry Gonzalez
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